Prefix helps you to build tiny business apps that automate big and important processes: updating CRMs, enriching leads, onboarding customers, processing invoices, managing inventory—you get the idea.
O0 collaborated with Prefix to help visualize how it works.
Got 2 awards:
Prefix is a dialogue app where you communicate with an AI agent that helps you build an automation. To emphasize this dynamic, we’ve built the narrative around two colleagues having a dialogue as they discover the new app together.
Our hypothesis is that this approach makes the video more relatable and fun to watch. Here’s the part of the video where our characters played chess. It didn’t make it to the final cut, but it was a fun idea to entertain nonetheless.
To understand Prefix we’ve asked their CEO to run us through the product and create an automation together. This became the core of the script. From here we just needed to figure out how to get in and out of it.
We recreated the interface of the app to be able to transform it and add some animation magic for visual explanation. We then designed the intro and outro slides.
To move quickly through the production pipeline, we decided to record the talktrack right away and edit it together with the key images from each scene. This helped us to create a timeline draft and understand the timing of different scenes. We didn’t hire voice over artist’s though as we knew that the script would go through several revisions. Instead, we recorded the voices ourselves and used the AI voice modulation to play with accents and delivery. We saw it as a cool new feature for pre-production, but one of the voices actually made it to the final cut.
Engineers use grids to design projects. A grid is a field of possibilities, a symbol of data and design. Prefix is an engineer. O0 imagined a dynamic grid that tells a story. The cells shift and change in size; they store, edit, and delete data (represented with icons). The cells rearrange. It’s interesting to follow the progression of each composition (scene); the eye always follows the leading lines to discover new details. A subtle, minimalistic animation highlights the points of interest.
The biggest challenge was to create a dynamic rhythm in an interface-driven story while keeping it simple at the same time.
We translated a complex subject into simplified graphics and turned it into a fun, animated story that’s easy to grasp. That was basically our goal.