
Tech stack
Less is more. Especially with eternal stationery. nuka gives you a notebook and a pen that both last forever. Put your notes in, take a picture, clear them up, repeat. Conscious consumption is the heart of the brand and O0 mirrors that in visual identity and a website. Nuka's branding brought O0 the fifth Red Dot award in total and the first Red Dot in Brands & Communication Design.
Got 2 awards:
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Red Dot
<svg width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32" xmlns=""> <path d="M15.3461 29.3332C15.0807 29.3122 14.815 29.2933 14.5499 29.2693C12.5504 29.088 10.7554 28.3818 9.18638 27.1328C7.18406 25.5387 5.91407 23.4797 5.49418 20.9541C4.93008 17.5613 5.83751 14.5808 8.22161 12.0893C9.7776 10.4633 11.7047 9.51565 13.9281 9.16957C13.945 9.16683 13.9611 9.16168 13.9954 9.15309C13.9978 9.10194 14.0023 9.04666 14.0023 8.99138C14.0027 8.30575 13.9992 7.61977 14.0057 6.93413C14.0071 6.80882 13.9639 6.76006 13.8502 6.71818C12.8013 6.32987 11.9385 5.70191 11.3459 4.73749C10.9961 4.1679 10.8042 3.54544 10.7544 2.87937C10.7492 2.81208 10.7537 2.74444 10.7537 2.6665H13.6456C13.6974 3.24605 13.9515 3.71367 14.4311 4.04533C14.7813 4.28738 15.1758 4.3945 15.5998 4.3612C16.5107 4.28944 17.1627 3.63367 17.2811 2.67028H20.1833C20.1538 3.64088 19.8366 4.49887 19.2199 5.24596C18.6102 5.98447 17.8236 6.46342 16.932 6.77586V9.12219C17.4971 9.26468 18.0619 9.36527 18.5978 9.54896C22.0871 10.7448 24.3758 13.1237 25.2736 16.6927C26.1632 20.2287 25.3175 23.411 22.8503 26.1082C21.2707 27.8352 19.2804 28.8515 16.9598 29.1969C16.5485 29.258 16.1299 29.269 15.7149 29.305C15.6716 29.3088 15.629 29.3232 15.5861 29.3328H15.3461V29.3332ZM8.19346 17.7089H10.7468C11.1465 17.7089 11.1389 17.7055 11.2979 17.3457C11.9588 15.8471 13.0557 14.8675 14.6849 14.5369C14.9255 14.4881 15.1748 14.4827 15.4213 14.4572V17.355C14.3573 17.5222 13.7084 18.123 13.6349 19.0033C13.601 19.4095 13.6916 19.7871 13.9182 20.1274C14.2753 20.6637 14.7961 20.9195 15.422 20.9692V23.8515C15.3791 23.856 15.3447 23.8673 15.3132 23.8622C14.9204 23.7956 14.5128 23.7729 14.1383 23.6503C12.7024 23.1803 11.7614 22.1846 11.2244 20.791C11.1767 20.6671 11.1248 20.6177 10.9834 20.6197C10.3087 20.629 9.63408 20.6238 8.95943 20.6238H8.18728C8.77541 23.8869 11.8946 26.8907 16.0328 26.5872C19.817 26.3098 22.8054 23.1844 22.8936 19.3583C22.9873 15.2867 19.7954 11.932 15.7828 11.7635C11.8778 11.5993 8.8118 14.4312 8.1938 17.7093L8.19346 17.7089Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg>
German Design Award
<svg width="32" height="33" viewBox="0 0 32 33" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.6567 4.6665L2.66406 12.6591L14.7884 24.7835L18.9554 20.6165L10.9981 12.6591L18.9672 4.67828L10.6567 4.6665Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M21.3339 28.6663L29.3265 20.6736L17.2022 8.54932L13.0352 12.7163L21.0043 20.6736L13.0234 28.6545L21.3339 28.6663Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg>
CSS Design Award

“As a result, our brand and website now spread the word of mouth as people like to share this beautiful web experience and design mags mentioning us for free. 25k visitors in the first month after launch without any paid promo.”