Product Designer
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What it's like
Here we love startup culture: work fast, adapt quickly, share work, give feedback, and joke along the way.
We're looking for an experienced Product Designer to join O0 and build digital products from the ground up.
You will work with aerospace and automotive companies, help Y Combinator alums build products 'people want', improve digital banking experience, help AI to help humans, explain smart breathing machines and receive awards for that.
What’s the job
- Designing digital products
- Doing research, contributing to product vision
- Framing and articulating design problems through ideation, storyboarding and prototyping, ending with user validated designs
- Working along the teams of managers, stakeholders, business analysts
- Recommending design solutions with user-focused point of view
- Helping the client to understand the value of their users
- Conducting well organized assets delivery to engineers
What you’ll need
- You love understanding and solving human problems
- Have experience designing and shipping digital products (web/app)
- Have confident presentation abilities and good communication skills
- You have decent spoken English skills (at least on B1 level)
- Have a hustler attitude: being creative + getting things done
- You have created complex interactions, experiences, end-to-end flows
- You have advanced prototyping skills
- Have a cross-functional collaboration mindset
- Have a genuine curiosity, discipline, rationalism, thoroughness and proactivity
- With a big thirst for knowledge and growth
Would be a plus
What we offer
- 100% Remote Job
- Generous PTO / sick leave / paid holidays
- Income Taxes covered
- Coworking Membership
- We cover professional development courses and workshops
How to Apply
Does this role sound like a good fit? Shoot us at
- Include the role's title in your subject line.
- Send along links that best showcase the relevant things you've built and done.
Apply by dropping
your CV and motivation blurb to
Open positions
Production Manager
<svg vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 514 514" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M256.557 257.001L84.3541 308.577C79.473 292.227 76.8105 274.921 76.8105 257.001C76.8105 239.081 79.473 221.776 84.3541 205.426L256.557 257.001ZM256.557 257.001L428.76 205.426C433.641 221.776 436.303 239.081 436.303 257.001C436.303 274.921 433.641 292.227 428.76 308.577L256.557 257.001ZM256.56 257.001L204.984 84.7974C221.334 79.9163 238.64 77.2539 256.56 77.2539C274.48 77.2539 291.786 79.9163 308.136 84.7974L256.56 257.001ZM256.56 257.001L308.136 429.203C291.786 434.084 274.48 436.747 256.56 436.747C238.64 436.747 221.334 434.084 204.984 429.203L256.56 257.001ZM428.758 205.425L438.998 202.353C454.905 197.643 469.923 189.041 482.45 176.48C522.591 136.339 522.591 71.2466 482.45 31.1057C442.309 -9.03523 377.217 -9.03523 337.076 31.1057C324.515 43.6668 315.879 58.6514 311.203 74.5917L308.131 84.8317C365.919 102.103 411.453 147.671 428.758 205.459V205.425ZM204.982 84.7976L201.91 74.5575C197.199 58.6514 188.598 43.6326 176.037 31.1057C135.896 -9.03523 70.8032 -9.03523 30.6623 31.1057C-9.47859 71.2466 -9.47859 136.339 30.6623 176.48C43.2234 189.041 58.208 197.677 74.1483 202.353L84.3883 205.425C101.66 147.637 147.228 102.103 205.016 84.7976H204.982ZM84.3542 308.575L74.1142 311.647C58.208 316.358 43.1893 324.959 30.6623 337.52C-9.47859 377.661 -9.47859 442.754 30.6623 482.894C70.8032 523.035 135.896 523.035 176.037 482.894C188.598 470.333 197.233 455.349 201.91 439.408L204.982 429.168C147.194 411.897 101.66 366.329 84.3542 308.541V308.575ZM438.965 311.646L428.725 308.574C411.454 366.362 365.886 411.896 308.098 429.202L311.17 439.442C315.88 455.348 324.482 470.367 337.043 482.894C377.184 523.034 442.276 523.034 482.417 482.894C522.558 442.753 522.558 377.66 482.417 337.519C469.856 324.958 454.871 316.323 438.931 311.646H438.965Z" stroke="currentColor"/> </svg>
Senior Copywriter
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